Condemnant quo non intellegunt

"They condemn that which they do not understand"

The phrase “they condemn that which they do not understand” suggests that people often criticize or reject things that they don’t fully comprehend.

It implies that when people encounter ideas or concepts that are unfamiliar or challenging to their beliefs, they may react with fear, suspicion, or hostility rather than taking the time to understand and appreciate them.

This phrase can apply to many different situations, from personal relationships to political debates. It highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and seeking to understand different perspectives before making judgments or criticisms.

In some cases, people may even use condemnation as a way of asserting their own authority or power over others, rather than engaging in a genuine dialogue or seeking to learn from different viewpoints.

Overall, the phrase “they condemn that which they do not understand” serves as a reminder to approach new ideas and experiences with curiosity and openness, rather than immediately rejecting them out of fear or ignorance. By doing so, we can broaden our perspectives and learn from those who think and act differently than we do.