Audentes Fortuna Juvat

"Fortune Favors the Bold"

The phrase “fortune favors the bold” is an idiom that suggests that those who take bold and decisive actions are more likely to achieve success than those who are cautious and timid.

In essence, the phrase encourages people to be courageous and take risks, as doing so can lead to greater rewards and opportunities. It implies that those who are willing to step outside of their comfort zones and take bold actions are more likely to be rewarded with positive outcomes.

The origin of this phrase is unclear, but it has been used in various forms throughout history, including by the Roman poet Virgil and the playwright Terence. The phrase has become a popular motto in modern times, often used to inspire people to take action and pursue their goals with confidence and courage.

It’s worth noting that taking risks and being bold doesn’t always lead to success, and it’s important to approach bold actions with caution and careful consideration. However, the phrase “fortune favors the bold” reminds us that sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking calculated risks and having the courage to pursue our dreams.