The Worst of St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration that is observed annually on the 17th of March. The day is celebrated in honor of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Traditionally, the day is marked with parades, green attire, and celebrations of Irish culture. However, in recent years, St. Patrick’s Day has become associated with a range of bad behaviors, including excessive drinking, vandalism, and violence.

One of the most common forms of bad behavior associated with St. Patrick’s Day is excessive drinking. In many cities, St. Patrick’s Day is considered an excuse to drink excessively, often leading to public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and even violence. According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 250 people were killed in drunk driving accidents on St. Patrick’s Day between 2011 and 2015. Additionally, according to the Boston Police Department, over 400 people were arrested for drunkenness during the city’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in 2016.

Another form of bad behavior that is often associated with St. Patrick’s Day is vandalism. In many cities, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are accompanied by an increase in vandalism, including graffiti, destruction of property, and other forms of mischief. For example, in 2017, vandals in San Francisco painted graffiti on several buildings, causing thousands of dollars in damage. Similarly, in 2016, vandals in Boston caused over $100,000 in damage to a park during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.

Violence is also a common form of bad behavior associated with St. Patrick’s Day. In some cities, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations have been marred by fights, brawls, and even shootings. For example, in 2015, two men were shot and killed during a St. Patrick’s Day celebration in New Orleans. Similarly, in 2016, a man was stabbed to death during a St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York City.

In addition to these forms of bad behavior, St. Patrick’s Day is also associated with a range of other negative behaviors, including public urination, indecent exposure, and other forms of lewd conduct. For example, in 2018, a man in Pittsburgh was arrested for urinating on a police officer during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.

While many of these forms of bad behavior are not unique to St. Patrick’s Day, the holiday has become associated with them in recent years. This is due in part to the perception that St. Patrick’s Day is a day for drinking and partying, and in part to the commercialization of the holiday by marketers and advertisers.

However, it is important to note that not all St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are associated with bad behavior. In many cities, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in a safe and responsible manner, with parades, cultural events, and family-friendly activities. Additionally, many people choose to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in a responsible manner, by moderating their alcohol consumption and avoiding risky behavior.

While St. Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration, it is important to recognize that it is also associated with a range of bad behaviors, including excessive drinking, vandalism, and violence. These behaviors are not unique to St. Patrick’s Day, but they have become associated with the holiday in recent years. It is important for individuals to celebrate the holiday in a responsible manner, and for law enforcement officials to take steps to prevent and respond to incidents of bad behavior. By doing so, we can ensure that St. Patrick’s Day remains a day of celebration and cultural pride, rather than a day associated with negative and dangerous behaviors.