The Woke Academy Awards

The Academy Awards, once a symbol of excellence in film-making, has now become an irrelevant and pandering circus of wokeness. It’s a place where films are no longer judged on their artistic merit or cultural significance but rather on how well they fit into the Academy’s latest social justice narrative.

Gone are the days when the Academy Awards honored films that truly challenged societal norms and broke new ground in cinematic art. Now, we are subjected to a parade of mediocre, politically-correct films that are chosen not for their quality, but for their adherence to the latest woke trends.

The Academy’s obsession with diversity and representation has become so extreme that it has completely overshadowed the actual merit of the films being honored. It’s no longer about the art or the craft of film-making, but rather about checking off boxes on some imaginary diversity checklist.

For example, in 2021, the Academy made headlines for its “diversity initiative,” which required films to meet certain “inclusion standards” in order to be considered for Best Picture. This requirement included things like having at least one lead actor from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group or having 30% of the cast come from underrepresented groups.

While diversity and representation are important, this kind of tokenism only serves to undermine the true value of these films. It’s insulting to the filmmakers and the audiences who appreciate films for their artistic merit and not their ability to meet arbitrary diversity quotas.

And let’s not forget the Academy’s cringe-worthy attempts at pandering to various social justice causes. From the #MeToo movement to Black Lives Matter, the Academy has never been shy about jumping on the latest bandwagon.

In 2019, the Academy Awards decided to forgo the traditional host and instead had a series of presenters deliver politically-charged monologues about everything from climate change to immigration. It was a blatant attempt to cater to the progressive crowd and came across as nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt.

In recent years, the Academy has also made a habit of awarding films that push a certain political agenda, regardless of their quality. The 2020 Best Picture winner, “Parasite,” was a mediocre foreign-language film that was praised for its “subversive” take on capitalism. Meanwhile, other films that were far more deserving, such as “The Irishman” and “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” were completely snubbed.

Ultimately, the Academy Awards have become a meaningless exercise in virtue-signaling and identity politics. It’s no longer about honoring the best and brightest in the film industry, but rather about promoting a certain ideological agenda. As a result, the Academy has become increasingly irrelevant to those who appreciate film as an art form, and it’s unlikely that this trend will change anytime soon.

In conclusion, the Academy Awards have devolved into a politically-correct, virtue-signaling circus that is more concerned with promoting a certain social justice agenda than it is with honoring the best films and filmmakers of the year. Until the Academy returns to its roots and starts rewarding films for their artistic merit rather than their ability to fit into a certain ideological mold, it will continue to be an irrelevant and out-of-touch institution.