Moveri Natura Quam Contra

Moveri Natura Quam Contra “Move With Nature Rather Than Against It” The idea of moving with nature rather than against it is a central concept in many philosophical and spiritual traditions. At its core, this principle suggests that the best way to live in harmony with the world around us is to align our actions …

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Creare Est Perdere

Creare Est Perdere “To Create Is To Destroy” “To create is to destroy” suggests that the act of creating something new inevitably involves destroying something that already exists. This idea can be applied to various aspects of life, from the physical world to relationships and personal growth. In the physical world, we can see examples …

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Speculum Perfectum Est

Speculum Perfectum Est “A Perfect Mirror” A perfect mirror is a hypothetical object that reflects an image with perfect accuracy, without any distortion or alteration. In other words, a perfect mirror would reflect an object exactly as it appears in real life, without any changes or modifications. While there is no such thing as a …

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Audentes Fortuna Juvat

Audentes Fortuna Juvat “Fortune Favors the Bold” The phrase “fortune favors the bold” is an idiom that suggests that those who take bold and decisive actions are more likely to achieve success than those who are cautious and timid. In essence, the phrase encourages people to be courageous and take risks, as doing so can …

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Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit “Nothing comes from nothing” The phrase “nothing comes from nothing” is a philosophical concept that suggests that everything has a cause and effect, and that nothing can come into existence without a prior cause or origin. In essence, the phrase implies that everything in the universe has a source, and that …

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Condemnant Quo Non Intellegunt

Condemnant quo non intellegunt “They condemn that which they do not understand” The phrase “they condemn that which they do not understand” suggests that people often criticize or reject things that they don’t fully comprehend. It implies that when people encounter ideas or concepts that are unfamiliar or challenging to their beliefs, they may react …

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